Transplant 2 Year Anniversary

Posted by Janie Strong on

Happy 2nd (Transplant) Birthday to Janie! 2 years ago her oldest brother, Jansen, donated stem cells in hopes of curing Janie's leukemia. The bone marrow transplant gave her a year of spending time with those she loved and living life doing the things she loved.

In honor of her birthday, The JanieStrong Foundation sent gift cards to the BMT unit at Diamonds 6 West located at Banner University Hospital in Tucson, Arizona. Patients will use these gift cards to decorate their hospital rooms while undergoing treatment.

Celebrate Janie by signing up to be a bone marrow donor at

Some stats on bone marrow transplants:

- There are over 70 diseases that can be treated by BMT

- 1 in 40 registry members will be called for additional testing

- 1 in 300 registry members will be selected as the best possible donor for a patient

- 1 in 430 registry members will actually donate